Ipad app great backyard grilling badge 1

Summer in US is all about barbecue and for a good barbecue you need a good recipe and for a good recipe you need this grilling app !  Yeah that was bit of a stretch, but the Great Backyard Grilling app from CulinartMedia is really a nice app to have it handy. When I saw this app I didn’t think much of it, thought it was just another app with a few recipes. But once I downloaded it and checked it out I knew it was one of a kind. Its very well created and the recipes are taste bud arousing. The app is very friendly and is rich in features. Its strictly an iPad app and it integrates well with it. This app contains over 48 mouthwatering recipes with gorgeous photos.  When you tap on the app icon, you are greeted with a delicious photo with all the navigation icon on the bottom. The navigation on this app has been well thought and is fairly easy to use.

The recipes are categorized by :  Beef,pork &lamb ,Seafood, Chicken, Vegetables & Fruit Once you choose one of the 48 dishes you want, a detailed recipe is displayed with a nice photo. The app lets you add the ingredients to a shopping cart and can email the list to help you shop for them. It also have timers within the recipe that you can use while you cook, add your personal notes incase you like to customize the recipe, email the recipe to your friends and family, add it to your facebook and so on.

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The only drawback I see is, you cannot add your own recipe to it or  seem to have a way to download more recipe to the collection.  Hopefully CulinartMedia will add more recipe via updates.
The Great Backyard Grilling app is definitely a good buy for $3.99 from the iPad app store.