Setting up JAVA_HOME on a mac
Installing and setting up JAVA_HOME was a bit of a research for me. So thought I would post it here...
Creating a new file system in Linux
Here how you would create a new file system : First create a new partition using fdisk. eg: fdisk /dev/sdb...
Drill your data with Apache Drill !
Feeling the Drill I have been using Apache Drill to explore data for a while now. Apache Drill is a low...
Script check the index fragmentation in SQL Server
Today I had a need to find the index fragmentation on one of my sql server database and I found...
SQL Server Replication status
Few days back I had to query to my production sql replication server to find what all publications are running...
Find SSRS reports that are run
WITH RankedReports AS (SELECT ReportID, TimeStart, UserName, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY ReportID ORDER BY TimeStart DESC) AS iRank FROM dbo.ExecutionLog...