
Upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04

ubuntulogoFew days ago, I wrote how to install DB2 under Ubuntu and about the latest version of Ubuntu 9.04.  One of my system was running Ubuntu 8.10 and decided to upgrade it to the latest and much talked Ubuntu 9.04.  I have to say it, unlike a windows upgrade, this one  was a smooth sail and the system seems to be a bit snappier under the new operating system.

The upgrade process is pretty simple . Once you select Upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04 like in the figure below :


upgrade to 904


start upgrade

Select “Start Upgrade”  then sit back and relax. Ubuntu update manager will do all the work for you. Here are few of the screens that follows:

Upgrading 1


Upgrading 2


At the end it will ask whether you want to remove the obsolete modules , I chose Remove just because its not required.  Once all the work is complete, restart the computer and viola you have Ubuntu 9.04.  The whole process takes 30~45 mins depending on your computer and internet connection.